Our Mission
There is a great need for physical and spiritual support for the first generation Hispanic immigrant population. There is a hunger for the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Food distribution for the members of San Juan Bautista and others in the community has been crucial due to their low income and poverty level economic status.
Monthly the laborers in the fields of the Santa Maria Valley are fed a free nutritious lunch and have the opportunity to hear the Word of God proclaimed.
Children and families of the congregation are supported by providing school supplies at the beginning of the school year. Each year the Christmas Angel project has provided gifts for hundreds of children and youth.
Weekly Baptism, Confirmation and Bible Study classes for all ages are held to teach about the love we have in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Despite seeing much growth over the years, the congregation of San Juan Bautista is not able to support itself without outside financial support from other churches, businesses, and individuals. The generosity of all who have contributed to this mission has greatly impacted many lives. This Word and Sacrament ministry led by Pastor Salazar tirelessly teaches, baptizes, confirms, and reaches into the lives of God s otherwise forgotten ones.
Continued support for this ministry is essential as they reach out to many in our community in need. Contact the Bethel church office for more information on helping to support Iglesia Luterana San Juan Bautista.